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kiya-sama :]
Random School Girl
kiya-sama :]

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Location : Universe-colored Latte~ <3

PostSubject: GOTEI 4: CHAPTER 2 - A NEW BEGINNING   GOTEI 4: CHAPTER 2 - A NEW BEGINNING I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 7:35 pm



It's been a week since the six of them came to the real world. It was hard, but little by little, all of them eventually learned the ways of the humans. They had chosen to live in the real world. There's no way they would back out now like some little kid who went home crying just because he realized that buying candy alone was dangerous.

"I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack~!!!!" Mikee shouted as she slammed the door open.

"Hey! Didn't I tell you to open the door properly? You don't have to break it every time you went in and out of the apartment you dummy!" Britt exclaimed as he approached Mikee and gave her a weak punch. He was sure that it was the fifteenth time that she had broken the door.

"That's no faaaaaair! As usual Britt, you're sooo boring~" Mikee giggled as she got up.

"The two of you, will you please keep it down? Mikee, fix that door immediately or I'll kick your ass out of this place."

"Taichooooou! You're soooo mean! How can you say that to me?"

"Enough. Just do what I have to say. More importantly, how was it?"

"Ooh, right! I just got a job! Praise me! Thank you, thank you!"

"You're always too full of yourself, aren't you?"


"Geez. Why did I even bring someone as childish as you."

"Indeed, Shea's being mean to Mikee again." A voice came from the outside.

"Ron oneeeeeee-saaaaaaaaaan! My savior!" Mikee approached the young lady as soon as she entered the room.

"Did you break this door again?"

"Is 'break' really the exact term for it? I was just playing!"

"Really. You should be more careful. And be thankful that we have a kind landlady."

"I-I guess you're right."

A few days ago, a hollow appeared in Espanya Town. It was a soul of an old man, who was hunting down his wife. It had killed a lot of lost souls in the way.

"Help me! Please! Anybody! Please save me!" A weak voice of a lady was heard.

The night was cold, and it was already midnight.

"Don't you want to be with me again? Come with me. Let me eat your soul so we can be together for eternity!"

"N-nooo! Wh-who are you?!"

"You don't even remember the face of the man whom you shared your vow with. I was lonely since it has already been a year since you stopped visiting my grave."

"K..kou..hii?" The lady cried after her realization.

"Now, come. Soon enough, we'll be together again."

"Hold it right there ugly!" The number 1 was seen at the back of her uniform.

"Tch. Shinigami. Quite the persistent type, aren't we? Just like pests."

"You're disturbing the peace of this town. Now tell me, who do you think is the pest between us now?"

"I don't give a damn to a single word you're saying!"

"Right. That's what losers say! Wahahaha!" Karina laughed as if there was no tomorrow.

"Sotaichou, why don't you just end this? Boring! Boring! Boring! He's just a mere hollow!"

"Shut up you ugly faggot!"

"Is that the way you treat your subordinates? Sotaichou's so meaaaaan! WAHUHUHUHU.. WAHUHUHUHU.."

"Mikee, if you don't stop I'll kill you."

"Taichou's so meeeeeeean to me too! WAHUHUHUHUHU.."

"Will you cut it out! I can't concentrate!"

"Fine. Just finish it will ya? Jhen, Britt and Ron are waiting."


"No! Wait! I won't let you kill my husband. After all, he's been so lonely. So it's better if he just eat me up and we'll be together forever!"

"Miss, you don't understand what you're saying."

"Sotaichou's right. If you get eaten up, who will take care of your daughter...Amaya-san?"

"How... How did you know my name? What about my daughter?"

"I have my sources. As you can see, the 'man' you're protecting isn't here in this world anymore. He's lying when he said that you can be together forever. In the end, you're just his food and he will just continue to eat more and more souls until he's satisfied."

"Don't listen to them! I'm the one you love, right?"

"Wrong! You stupid hollow! How many times do I have to tell everyone of your kind that you can't go back to being a normal soul after you've eaten the soul of your loved one? How many times do I have to explain that?! Don't you get it?! She's even human! She's not dead yet!"

"Oh no, you've angered my captain. Now be prepared to die you stinky old fart!"

"I better finish this before Shea goes in berserk mode. Ryuujin Jakkaaaaaaaaaa!"


The whole place was covered with flames. It looked so bright despite the fact that it was midnight. The previously cold atmosphere of the town turned into a heated one full of hatred, fear and solitude. The beautiful moon lost it's shine as the flames started to melt every inch of the once pure soul who had been longing for his love.

"Amaya-san! Amaya-san! Wake up!"

"Don't worry Sotaichou, she just passed out."

"You know where she lives right? Let's take her home."


"It's a good thing she understood what we were explaining. Thanks to that, she allowed us to have an apartment with two rooms. This is enough for us to get started."

"That's right taichou! And she even allowed us to just give her the rent payment after we got ourselves a job. And today I found one! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"Which means you have to work hard so that you can buy food for yourself."

"I know that! Meanieee! Bleeeeeh!"

"After that incident, she started visiting the grave of her husband again, right?" Ron interrupted.

"Looks like it."

Last edited by kiya-sama :] on Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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kiya-sama :]
Random School Girl
kiya-sama :]

Posts : 64
Join date : 2009-09-19
Age : 31
Location : Universe-colored Latte~ <3

PostSubject: Re: GOTEI 4: CHAPTER 2 - A NEW BEGINNING   GOTEI 4: CHAPTER 2 - A NEW BEGINNING I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 7:46 pm



It was the 18th of December yet the morning sun shone brightly on Espanya Town. The apartment stayed peaceful and the cold winter breeze engulfed the whole room. It was Sunday and everyone else was busy except for...

"Good morning, Britt."

"Jhen oneeee-saaaaaaaaaaaaan!" Britt went out of the room and hugged her former co-captain.

"Wh-what do you think you're doing?! It's so early and you're sticking yourself on me again!"

"But it's so cold!"

"If it's that cold, go place yourself under the mattress of your bed you slacker!"

"But I don't want toooooooooo~"

"Get off, now!"


"You're so loud, didn't you know that?"

"I didn't!"

"Waaaaaaaah! I'm getting tired of this Britt!" Jhen held Britt's hands and pulled him. She held both of his wrists and threw him out of the kitchen. Britt was sent flying out of the room and landed on his butt.

"Hey! That hurt!"

"Get close to me again and I'll beat you to death."

"Just now you're acting like Shea. Is there anything wrong?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Of course I am!"






"What's wrong with you?"


"Are you sure?







"Pro- heeeeey!"

Jhen laughed and she opened the door. "I'm going to work. See you later then, chibi-tan." She smiled and walked away.

"Weird. Definitely." Britt shook his head and went back to the bedroom.


"Ne, Lorie, look! Come here, quickly!"

"What is it this time, Mikee?"

"Look at this one! Do you think she will like it?"

"If the cover is him, she would definitely love it."

"Really? Guess I'll buy this then. Are you done?"

"Yeah. Let's go to the counter and ask the lady to wrap that."



"Do we really have to do this together?"

"Now, now, Karina. If I hadn't come to the clinic, Dr. Stranger wouldn't have let you go, so for the meantime, just be thankful, okay?"

"Sometimes you are scary, Ron."

"So you noticed?"


"What's with the answer? I know I'm a bit scary sometimes, but I'm pretty sure I'm not as scary as that one." Ron raised her hand and pointed at a young lady approaching them.

"Eh? Who?"

"Are you blind?"

"That's Shea, isn't it?"


"So you're saying that she's scary?"

"Who is?"

The two turned back in surprise and saw their friend.

"Why do you have to talk at my back?"

"Oh, calm down. It's nothing. We weren't really doing anything wrong, aren't we?" Karina defended.

"If you keep on doing that I'll get you in jail."

"And how on Earth will you do that? There's no law prohibiting us from boasting."

"There is none...yet." Shea gave the two of them a sharp glare with a matching smirk.

"Alright, aright. We're sorry."

"Good. Now where shall we start, then?"

"There are lots of things to buy. Don't you think it's better if we separate?"

"Then what's the purpose of meeting together then?"

"I don't know. Ron's the one who insisted on doing this."

"Really. Now you're putting all the blame on me. Well, ms. purpose, we used to work all together, correct? So I thought it would be better if all of us buy the things together. It's not like each one of us knows everything about her, right?"

"Fine. I'll accept that reason this time."


"They're late! We're supposed to meet here before 4:30 p.m. It's already 5:15! We have a lot of things to prepare."

"Why don't you calm down, Mikee-chan? It's not like you're the only one waiting for them, you know."

"You don't have to remind me, Kyou-san. But they're getting into my nerves! I'm hungry tooooooo~!"

"What did those two have to do with each other anyway?"

"I have no idea."

"You're weird."

"You should have noticed that five months ago."

"Yeah right. Oh, by the way, how's everybody doing? I only know about Ron since she works part-time at the grocery store, but how about the others?"

"Well you see, all of us are working and studying at the same time. Taichou works at the public library after her class, Britt works at the pet shop just three blocks away from the apartment, I'm working at the fast food chain near the train station and she's working at the mall nearby."

"How about Karina?"

"Her college tuition is being paid by her boss, Dr. Ivan Stranger. He said that he finds Karina-sama special, that she will most probably be the best assistant for him."

"So she really is smart, isn't she?"

"Stupid. Of course she is! She used to be my, and your Soutaichou, remember?"

"Ah, right. Sorry, I have forgotten about that already."

A few more minutes have passed. The sun's about to set, leaving the place with a reddish orange shade. The atmosphere is still cold, and the former fukutaichou, together with her companions, waited in silence.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting."


"You don't have to call me 'taichou' in here."

"Still as cold as ice, aren't we? Shea-san."

"Sorry for making you wait. We had to make sure everything's well prepared so, there. What skills did you use?"

"Skills? What for?"

"You were able to withstand an hour with that brat over there. How did you do that?"

"Taichou never changes! Meanie! Bleeeeeeh!"

"Well, whatever. By the way, where's Britt?"

All of them stayed silent for a while, their eyes roaming and searching for their missing friend.

"Don't tell me..." Ron uttered.

"MIKEE LIANNE!" Shea shouted as she pulled and twisted her subordinate's ear.

"Ouch! So-sorry! I forgot to tell him! Forgive meeeeeeeeeeeee~ WAHUHUHUHUHU.."

"That cry again. You really are an ugly faggot. Wahaha!" Karina laughed.

"Sotaichou you meanie! One day I'll make sure that you burn yourself! You'll get bald too! WAHAHAHA!"

"Yeah, right! If that happens I'll get you toasted as well! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"You old fart!"

"You ugly faggot!"

"OKAY! ENOUGH!" Ron interrupted.

"Nuh-uh! I'm not finished with this ugly brat yet!"

"Sotaichou, you should mind your manners. The people are looking at you. No matter how incorrect Mikee's behavior is, you're still the villain in the eyes of those people so you better stop what you're doing now."


"Taichou! You saved me!"

"Don't hug me!"

"Shea, and the rest of you. We should hurry."

"But what about Britt?"

"We'll explain things to him later."


"Wh-what did you say?!"

"Geez, and you call yourselves 'bestfriends'."

"We've only been here for five months, how should I know that?"

"Ohhhhhh? So you're making an excuse now? Ohohohoho!"

"I'll kill you when I get the chance you little twit!"

"Enough with the teasing, Mikee. It's your fault that he doesn't know anything. Let's just begin the preparations, shall we?"

It was Jhen's birthday, and all of them had to make preparations before she gets back from work. Unfortunately, Britt was the only one who didn't know about their plan.

"Mikee, kindly place the flowers at the back of the cake."


"Karina, put the plates and utensils at their proper places."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Kyou-san, tie the pinata at the back of the door please."


"Ron, is the food ready?"

"Prepared and finished perfectly."

"Miru, Elisha and Danah, are you finished with the decorations?"

"We'll be done in a minute."

"Riz, how about the banner?"

"It's finished!"


"Hey, why do you have to order us around?"

"What? So the previous Sotaichou is jealous?"

"No I'm not. Pfft."

"Great. So we're all set. All we have to do now is wait for Jhen."

"No we're not!"

"What's your problem, Britt?"

"I don't have a present for her!"

"Well if that's the-"

*ding dong--------------------*

"Oh no."

"It looks like you are really late for that. I'll turn off the lights. At the count of three, okay?"

"Let's do this!"





The young lady entered the room. She looked a bit tired but happiness could also be seen on her face. Mixed emotions enveloped her, and tears started to burst out from her eyes.

"Now, now, Jhen-chan. You don't have to cry like that." Kyou comforted her friend.

"Th-thank y-you, ever-ryone.. I-I don't rea-lly know...what to saaaaaaaaaay.." Jhen tried to wipe her tears but then started crying again.

"Jhen onee-san we bought gifts for you!"

All of them surrounded her and stretched out their hands. Each of them were holding a present. They looked so enthusiastic and they had great smiles on their faces as each one of them gave his/her gift.

"I hope you like this, Jhen obaa.. I mean, onee-san!" Mikee had a wide grin on her face.

Jhen opened the present and to her shock, it was something that she thought she could never have. She started crying again and hugged her friend afterward.

"That's Yamada Ryosuke's 12th album! It was the last one at the store so I had to pay a large price for it. I was hesitating at first but seeing your reaction, I think it's worth it after all."

"Wow, the brat can actually act serious sometimes. I have to write this down."

"You wanna start a fight again, you old and ugly fart?! HUH?!"

"You look like a delinquent, Mikee." Jhen stated and everyone else laughed.


"Ah, that's right? Where's Britt?" Jhen asked her friends.

"I saw him went to his room. Perhaps he was about to get something, I think."

"Right, thank you. Please wait for a while guys. We'll be back." She smiled at her friends and walked away.

Jhen peeked into the room and saw her 'bestfriend' sitting near the counter. He looked pale and depressed.

"Hey, what's wrong? Is it because I beat you up earlier that you don't want to face me?"


"Then, why?"

"Well...I'm ashamed of myself."

"Ohh? So it's really because I beat you up earlier. You don't have to worry about that."

"No, that's not it!"

"Then? What is it?"

"It's just.. well.. you see.. I don't have any present for you unlike everyone else.. I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you anything.."

"H-huh? That's it? That's the reason why you isolated yourself?"

"Wh-what do you mean 'that's it?' Aren't you disappointed?" Britt asked. He was embarrassed.

Jhen didn't give an answer. She laughed and startled the hell out of Britt.

"Why are you laughing? This isn't funny!"

"I know, I know. It's just that, I'm really happy."

"Y-you are?"


"Even though I don't have anything to give you?"

"Of course. Birthdays aren't always about presents, you know. It's the thought that counts the most. Your greeting is enough to make me happy."

"Oh. Is that so? Ha..ha hahaha.."

"You don't have to force yourself to laugh. Come on, we don't want to keep everybody else waiting, right?"


"And then.. there was this incident that I had to save taichou because she was too drunk! She wasn't even able to stand up on her own! WAHAHAHA! Am I great or what? WHEW!"

"You don't have to create stories. Your imagination is way out of the way already."

"Is that true, Shea? WAHAHA! It's funny how someone as prim and proper as you doesn't know how to drink!"

"I don't want to look and smell like you, Sotaichou."

"You don't have to act serious! Sometimes it's better to just go with the flow and have fun!"

"I'd rather not. Thanks for the offer anyway."

"You're a pure blood KILL JOY-ER!"


"Eh-ehem.. We don't want to be the stinky cheese in your fridge of happiness, but time waits for no one. I'm sorry but I guess it's time for us to leave already." Kyou interrupted the discussion.

"Well, it's already 10pm in the evening. I think you're right." Jhen answered.

"We'll be on our way then." Kyou said as he stood up. Miru, Danica, Elisha and Riz follwed him.

Then, there was only the six of them, again.

"So, what are we going to do now?"

"Play charades?"


"Sing Christmas carols?"

"Not quite."

"Play cards?"

"Won't do."


"Oh, the former commander's getting angry."

"You piss me off, you heartless creature!"


"What the? Why did you shout Britt?"

"Uh, I remembered something. I'll get back soon."

Britt went out of their room. After a few minutes, he came back holding a flower in his hands.

"A Dandelion!" The youngest girl shouted.

"Woah! Where did you get that, slacker?" Karina asked.

"Hey, hey. This is not for you. This is my birthday gift for Jhen!"

"Wh-what? You call that a present? WAHAHAHA!"

"Sotaichou, you're laughing too hard, again."

"Pfft. Shut up."

"Isn't this great? A dandelion can grant any wish, right?" Ron exclaimed in excitement.

"That's right! So Jhen, here's the flower for you! Make sure that you do not waste your wish!"

"But, wouldn't it be better if we all wished on this one?" Jhen said.

"Hai~ hai! Jhen obaa-san is right! Yeymeeee!"

"Watch your mouth, brat. I'm the birthday celebrant here."

"Oh. Soooweeeeeee~"


"Well, what do you really want to do with this flower, Jhen?" Shea asked.

"I want all of us to wish in it. We won't lose anything if we try, right?"

"Okay then, everyone. Hold hands. Close your eyes and say your wishes silently."

It was a cold December night but the heat of their strong friendship and closeness blew all the coldness away. All of them stated their wishes together inside one single room, with their hands held together. What could all of them be hoping for?

Years will pass, and all of them have to part in the near future. Will they still be able to treasure the unique bond they share?


The answers lie on the upcoming chapters. Stay tuned! XDD

I'm sorry if this one's too long. Blame the dialogues! LOL =))

Hope you enjoyed this one too. ^^
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Kendo Master

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Location : In Yamada-sama's Bed lol. .

PostSubject: Re: GOTEI 4: CHAPTER 2 - A NEW BEGINNING   GOTEI 4: CHAPTER 2 - A NEW BEGINNING I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 01, 2009 3:57 am

wahahaha ampft . ..
I read it again. . .

My feelings. . .Hazukashina nakaka-shy. . .X33
Specially today nyu. . .X33
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